Blockchain Core Developer (Erigon, Go, C++)

Freelancer, Full-time · Remote

What you will do
Location: remote
Position: full-time

Erigon is an Ethereum (also Gnosis Chain and Polygon) Execution Layer on the efficiency frontier. It's written in the Go and C++ programming language. We've been innovating in space- and time-efficient ways of doing blockchain execution and data. Further information about Erigon is available at
Erigon is looking for senior/intermediate-level developers, preferably with core blockchain experience. If you enjoy solving challenging technical problems and want to scale blockchain to billions of users, this is a perfect opportunity!

What you will do:
  • Grasp complex technical topics such as Ethereum protocol changes (e.g. EIP-7002) as well as algorithms and data structures non-specific to blockchains.
  • Understand scientific papers like "RecSplit: Minimal Perfect Hashing via Recursive Splitting",
  • Work with other teams (Ethereum Foundation researchers, other L1 developers, and the broader community) to implement experimental EIPs (say, EIP-3074) in Erigon and provide critique and feedback on such EIPs.
  • Persevere through a somewhat messy code base and ultimately simplify and improve it.
Who you are
  • Main requirements:
    • Potential candidates should be talented software engineers capable of handling complicated code and technically challenging problems.
    • Competence in Computer Science (performance characteristics and applicability of algorithms and data structures).
    • Knowledge of how the blockchain technology works at the fundamental level.
  • Desirable, but not mandatory requirements:
    • General knowledge of the Go and C++ programming language and its internals.
    • Advanced mathematical knowledge, for example, of elliptic curve cryptography or Byzantine fault tolerance.
    • Knowledge of DBMS data structures such as B-trees and LSM trees.
What we can offer you
  • Erigon will provide you with help and guidance, as well as sufficient time to learn, so that you can effect complex code changes productively. At the same time, we expect you to be proactive with your tasks and work independently, asking colleagues for assistance when necessary. Ultimately, you should be able to deliver without being micro-managed.
  • Flexible working hours. Virtually no mandatory team meetings.
  • Flat hierarchy with zero bureaucracy. Erigon's founders are software engineers.
  • Opportunity to work on challenging programming, algorithmic, or cryptographic problems on the bleeding edge of what is technically possible.
About us

Gnosis boasts an unparalleled track record of experimentation and building decentralized infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem. When Gnosis was founded in 2015, it focused on building prediction markets to enable worldwide access to accurate information. Today, as a DAO, Gnosis uses the products that it creates to transparently guide decisions on the development, support, and governance of its ecosystem. Safe, Cow Protocol, Conditional Tokens, Gnosis Auction, Zodiac, Agnostic Relay, and MEV Blocker are all products and protocols incubated by Gnosis.  

In November 2021, the xDai and GnosisDAO communities voted to combine their vibrant ecosystems to create the Gnosis Chain, an EVM compatible, community owned network that prioritizes credible neutrality. Secured by over 200k validators around the world, Gnosis Chain ensures a secure and resilient infrastructure. Users and developers on Gnosis Chain can also take advantage of familiar tooling and trust-minimized bridges to the Ethereum mainnet. Gnosis Chain employs the same execution and consensus layer clients as Ethereum, ensuring seamless integration with all future EIPs.

This year, we launched Gnosis Pay, the first decentralized payment network allowing web3 developers to integrate with a range of traditional payment schemes, including Visa. Gnosis Pay allows users to spend their digital assets anywhere Visa is accepted with the same quick, seamless transactions they expect from a traditional debit card. We also launched Metri, a user-friendly wallet designed to manage digital assets seamlessly. Together, these products provide a full-suite solution aimed at opening a new era of user-friendly open finance. 

With these product fundamentals in place, we’re gearing up to scale our offering to a global user base. With that in mind, we’re hiring a head of growth focused on scaling our first-party product suite. We’re looking for an experienced growth lead who’s in it for the right reasons, someone who wants to empower and enable agency, self-custody, and economic freedom for all. You know the somewhat overused William Gibson quote, “The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed“? We’re setting up a large-scale incentive program for metri / gnosis pay / circles to change just that.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
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